Just in time for summer, cities are cautiously reopening and encouraging some domestic travel. The US economy certainly took a hit because of COVID-19 and your family may have been directly impacted by closures and limitations. That said, domestic...
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Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders mean there is less time spent in your car. Since school carpools and work commutes have been canceled for the foreseeable future, your car is forced to remain parked in your garage or driveway. That said, an...
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We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this global pandemic. This April certainly looks different from past ones, but as we embark on this season together, we will come out on the other side stronger and more united. As a...
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It is a brand-new year, and it just might be time to upgrade your car. Before making a big investment like this, however, one must consider their lifestyle. Do you have a longer commute to work? Is this car for the entire family or just for your...
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It's the holiday season which means thinking of gifts for family, friends and even co-workers. In the spirit of not being wasteful, the best kinds of gifts are the perfect marriage of thoughtful and practical. For the individuals you see every day...
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The simple and quick answer is: Yes, you can replace your windshield without insurance. Now, your follow-up question might be: How much will that cost? Knowing the costs associated with a windshield replacement or repair is a good place to start...
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Fallen leaves during the autumn months can be more than just a pain. In fact, they can actually cause harm to your windshield. From getting stuck on your windshield wipers to causing scratches to the glass, it is important to learn the correct and...
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You should use a full protection windshield cover 365 days a year. The winter and summer months (and all of those in-between) can really do a number on your windshield. By protecting it, you minimize the risk of chipping or cracking your windshield...
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It is that time of year again – back to school season is upon us! On top of buying brand new school supplies and new sneakers, back to school carpool schedules are being organized. The key to effectively transport children in the mornings and...
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School is officially out for the summer which means it is time for a family road trip! The key to the best, most memorable family trips is trips are the ones that can successfully keep both children and adults entertained. Although the Fourth of...
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