The Dangers of Texting and Driving

Posted on Apr 23, 2013

More people than ever before own a mobile phone. While on one hand, this means more people can easily stay in touch with friends or the office, on the other hand it poses a traffic concern. Texting and driving poses an increasing safety issue on the roads today. At the very least, it can cause minor accidents that damage the vehicle but leave occupants uninjured. At the worst, texting while driving can lead to fatal car accidents. The government has named texting while driving, and similar activities, "distracted driving." According to, 3,331 people died as a result of distracted driving in 2011. In 2010, distracted driving was indicated in 18% of injury crashes. These are significant figures. According to the National Safety Council 23% of car accidents annually are partly attributed to cell phone use. This means cell phones play a factor in 1.3 million crashes each year. Although the dangers of texting and driving make news headlines, many drivers continue to engage in this risky behavior. This is most likely because people may rationalize the behavior in their own mind and believe they are not really distracted. However, according to Kathleen Marvaso, AAA vice-president of public affairs, a driver who takes his eyes off the road for only two seconds may double his risk of an accident or a close call. Many drivers who text and drive take their eyes off the road many times, and most do this for longer than two seconds. At Glass America, we are concerned for your safety. For more information, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


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