Why Did My Windshield Crack with Little Force?

Not all cracks are created equal. Damage to a windshield is often repairable and does not need an entire replacement. However, understanding the crack and its cause is important when contacting an auto glass technician.

Windshields can crack for several reasons:

· Existing defects – Rarely, but possibly, your windshield could have an existing defect from the manufacturer or installation. This would, understandably, make it much more susceptible to damage.

· Gritty roads – Driving on dirt paths can cause pebbles and gravel to float like debris. When these small pieces of stone hit your windshield repeatedly, they can cause chips that eventually turn into a crack that seemingly comes out of nowhere.

· Burning sun rays – When the heat from the sun directly hits your windshield for long periods, it can cause the molecular bonds in your glass to loosen. Over time, this can cause the windshield to crack. The best way to protect your glass is to shield it with a cover or within a garage.

· Hailstorms – Understandably, ice falling from the sky at high speeds would cause damage to a windshield. In this instance, the idea is to keep your vehicle somewhere covered and wait out the storm.

· Accidents – Even the smallest bump can cause the structural integrity of the windshield to be compromised. If a crack is not immediate, it may be more susceptible to future damage from a seemingly minor situation.

· Crack under pressure – Changes in altitude and air pressure can disrupt the balance of your windshield.

· Fluctuating temperatures – Whether it is winter or summer, when the internal temperature of your vehicle reaches a high opposing number, it can cause the windshield to expand or contract, and ultimately crack.

· Stumbling wreckage – If you park your vehicle under a tree or shrub, the falling leaves, flowers, etc. can scratch your windshield – which can, over time, lead to a crack. In this instance, it is ideal to use a cover to protect the glass.

· Aged windshield – Finally, like many things, auto glass can have a lifespan. Once they have withstood years of fluctuating temperatures, family road trips, fallen shrubbery, etc., it may just crack after the slightest hit. Windshields can become thinner and more fragile with time.

Therefore, you can do everything possible to protect your windshield from obvious damage – but life and the elements could be compromising its structural integrity without you noticing. Of course, not all cracks require an entire replacement. At the first sight of damage, contact a Glass America technician and see if it can be repaired and protected from future damage.


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